beWell Organic Medicine, Inc. is committed to making a positive impact on our local communities. This is why we created our beCharitable program. Every month a local organization will be selected to be our partner for this initiative. Spare change and cash will be collected in green collection boxes at each register in our beWell Merrimac Medical Dispensary. At the end of the month, the money will be matched by beWell* and donated to that month's organization. Please help us raise money for a great cause the next time you visit! Read more information about this month's organization below.
This Month's Cause:
Veterans of Merrimac
This month's proceeds will go towards helping the veterans of Merrimac, MA.
*beWell Organic Medicine, Inc. will match up to $1000. There is no limit on the amount of money that can be collected for the partnered organization from the collection boxes, all money collected in the boxes will be donated to the corresponding organization. In certain cases the organization may be listed for more than one month.
Recent Donations

Friends of the Merrimac Council on Aging
The Merrimac Senior Center
The Friends of the Merrimac Council on Aging is a 501c (III) Organization dedicated to fundraising and support of the Merrimac Senior Center and the elders in the Merrimac community. They support the Senior Food Pantry "Peggy's Pantry", the weekly meals at the Senior Center, purchase items needed for the kitchen and staff, special programs and instructors. Without the Friends group, they would not be able to do many of the things the seniors have come to expect and enjoy at the senior center.

Cambodian Mutual Assistance Association
Lowell, MA
The mission of the Cambodian Mutual Assistance Association is to improve the quality of life for Cambodian Americans and other minorities and economically disadvantaged persons in Lowell through educational, cultural, economic and social programs.

Greater Lowell Community Foundation
The mission of the Greater Lowell Community Foundation is to foster community growth and development through funding, leadership, and collaboration to transform the lives of the individuals and organizations we serve. Grant-making to nonprofit organizations, high school scholarships, and special funding initiatives (and much more!).

Merrimac, MA Police Department
The Merrimac Police Department is on duty 24/7 to safeguard the Town of Merrimac, Massachusetts and its nearly 6,500 residents.
Our Department consists of seven full-time officers including a Chief, two Sergeants, and Four Police Officers. We are located at 16 East Main St., Merrimac, MA 01860.

Merrimac Veterans' Memorial
This memorial, located in Merrimac, MA celebrates all veterans and we are honored to donate to honor their amazing sacrifice for our country. This beautiful memorial is located near the cemetery on Church Street.

Racial Equity Action Fund
This fund created by the Lowell Greater Community Foundation focuses on advancing racial justice and equity building in Greater Lowell. The Foundation strongly believes that addressing racial disparities is the first essential step towards our mission of building a more fair and just community for everyone.

The Bridge Club of Greater Lowell
The Bridge Club of Greater Lowell is dedicated to providing a safe place for those in recovery to meet. On top of NA/AA meetings and dedicated recovery coaches, they assist in detox/rehab/sober living placement as well as helping addicts/alcoholics reenter the workforce. Our mission is to stem the tide of alcoholism and addiction in the Greater Lowell Area and beyond.

Merrimac Commission on Disabilities
The Merrimac Commission on Disabilities donation was sent towards the construction of a handicap ramp into the town hall. The commission focuses on helping those who are disabled to live a normal life and have access to everything they need to do so.

Tough Warrior Princesses
The Tough Warrior Princesses (TWP) provide support, comfort, love and resources to women affected by cancer. They are a not for profit organization based in Amesbury, MA and serve the north shore of Boston and southern NH. They have a board of 12 directors and have an ARMY of volunteers. When they learn of a woman newly diagnosed or facing a cancer recurrence, they arrange through a family member or friend to have a Survivor Basket delivered to them. The basket is filled with items one may need to get through diagnosis and treatments, items of inspiration and information on resources. They also offer a monthly meeting called Warrior Chats for survivors and their caregivers as a way to connect and get support. They host many events throughout the year to keep their network connected and supported.